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A collection of my most significant dreams, for one reason or another.

i was sitting in a boat. in real life, i'm really not much of a man, even if i enjoy the idea, but in this dream, distinctly, i was a man. it was a little rowboat, except i had no oars. i was floating down a river. it was dark. there was a presence that was existing at my back. not a person, but a thing. it wanted to do me harm. it whispered to me and made me an offer. it said it would kill me, but it wouldn't hurt, it wouldn't hurt at all. something about this offer made me feel powerfully dizzy. i said yes. but it didn't kill me. it started to eat my back. it ate my spine. i didn't feel anything, or maybe a little bit of like a pulling sensation, but not much. but i also didn't get to die. i felt tricked.

A man was sitting in a corner, facing a wall. it was completely dark. He kept saying: "She don't want no more, she don't want no more." This dream gives me a dreadful feeling in my eyes and stomach.

I walked into a big yard with crates stacked high. I had a strange feeling, like I wasn't meant to be there. A man approached me, he said, "You're not supposed to be here." that was unsettling, but not terrifying. then he looked into my eyes and tied strings around my insides, and said something very distinctive, like, "remember me when you wake up", or something, and then i was terrified because i knew he could pull on the strings and i would be dead. And then, suddenly, I woke up. I was probably thirteen at the time. I was scared the whole day, and although I was too old to believe in ghosts or monsters I was seriously convinced that he was still watching me, waiting for my transgression.

my family was hounded by a curse. it wanted to get inside of us, through our eyes or ears or mouths. it turned into vegetables in hopes we would eat it. we hid for a long time, but eventually it got all of us. My grandparents turned into puppets. my father's eyes were replaced with clay. i was lucky.
i found myself split apart, fragments of me divided across all of time. i existed constantly, throughout every moment of the world's existence, and slipped through it like i was dreaming(which i guess i was, lol). i was old. i was so old. nobody around me could understand me or percieve me as human. i slipped back to the creation of the universe, and realized that everyone was wrong about how things began.
the universe had to exist in order to create itself; in the dream this made perfect sense somehow. that the universe had to exist in order to exist. i was in a forest on a bright, sunny day, before man ever stuck his fingers in creation. i walked around a circle of stones with europeans, and looked at a mural on the wall, and knew that none of this had ever been touched by man, not even while it was being made, all of it had just come to be.
i took my staff and beat it against the stones, and i was trying so desparately to get the others to do the same. they could not understand me, but i knew that was okay, because i had done what i needed to do in order to, i guess, perform the inciting incident for the world's birth. then i slipped forward into the fifties, and had a milkshake, and spoke to a young person who thought i was insane.
every person was my friend, and my child, for i knew them all more deeply than anyone else, though they did not know me. and i was full of love for the world and its people.

i was in a hotel with the baudelaire siblings. we werent like in a group they just happened to be there searching for something that they needed to find. there was. a strange unpleasant little boy kept taking teriyaki chicken and rice and putting it in shoes under a desk while company was over. "company" took the form of this miserably poor tatto artist; poor in the sense that he was really bad at it. he gave my mom some awful ugly tattoo that she had to get covered up.

then I went downstairs and out onto a bridge, and from there everything spiraled. I found myself on the beach, buck naked in the sand. i was looking for jewels. there were plenty of them, it was just a matter of how many I could hold. i wasn't doing it for me, though; there was this girl with me so I wanted to help. she collected these and sold them for money, and I thought I would help. it was kind of implied that she was being prostituted in some way, and i didn't want her to have to live like that

then we were in her father's store, where the gems were sold. i think the sale unit was UK pounds, but at first I thought it was yen, which warped my understanding of the cost. each gem was around 3000, which in yen is very little, but pounds, that's a lot.

i was going downstairs with her and then at some point she was in the room with the gems and her dad turned his back, and she lit a match and blew the whole place up.

then the dream cuts a little bit forwards. we're downstairs with this other girl sorting through clothes and I pull out a shirt with a sunflower on it, and she says no and screams because she and her dad had a fight about it once, but he's dead now. and so we go back upstairs and get lunch, and the girl I know and the other one are having a conversation, but it's in indonesian and I can't understand it. i think they're doing it on purpose to hide things from me.


i was solving a problem using math and i realized i needed to use matrices. when i was in grade 7 i skipped months of class(this is real) so i dont know anything about matrices. but in the dream it was the only solution. and i understood. and so i used the matrices.


the dream was so incredibly vast that it's hard to remember the whole thing

there was this book my mom recommended to me. (she does this a lot, or used to, in real life... she likes Steven King, I think it was one of those) it has a green cover and a picture of a guy on it. in the dream I was gonna buy it, so I went online to select a book of my preferred aspect ratio, but somewhere in the middle the book shifted into a sandwich, which I decided to get "wide and thin" for maximum flavor/bread ratio. but then suddenly I was experiencing the story that the guy from the sandwich did.

i was treading water in the ocean. a lot of the time when I dream, parts of it will loop over, but different. i can only remember the loop here. there was other people with me. there was this kid, and I looked at them, and I knew that the kid was gonna die. they had these little blue eyes that were so blue. when the "thing" got to the kid, it wouldn't have blue eyes anymore. they'd be grey brown and wouldn't shine anymore.

we were doing therapy. that's what it was. it was for people who had a phobia of "ivory". that's what they called the water. "ivory", they called it, maybe because it was so dark and black.

so I swam around this section and out, and I was with the little kid because i knew they were gonna die and I didn't want that, and we're swimming and then I see it rise out of the water. its like a big thing, looks like a prehistoric squid, fucking massive with teeth. i can't tell if it's chasing me but it's probably gonna get me. when it gets people and they die it doesn't end. they die and their bodies stick around . I had a really big dream about it right before but im too awake for details

so then after that I'm on a road trip. we're a little ways past where I live and we're getting out into the country. i look into the woods , and I see this little abandoned shack out the window. (in real life I love these too) and I wanted to stop but I was afraid of what my parents would say. so I didn't and was sad. and then we got into town.

there was this hill, with these cute hobbit house things, and a little bit of a strip mall with blue architecture. it was pretty cool, but nothing interesting to write about

I was in a group and we stopped for some reason at a restaurant. my old friend S was with us, and asked if I wanted to go check out the woods with him. I look to my left and there's this beautiful green pathway. so I'm like yeah sure hehe :3 and im pretty excited because I love going into the woods, and S does too, so I know we're gonna have fun.

in the dream we're near this place . I remember this place from a prior dream; and in the dream there was this abandoned house, and so I'm like, S, let's go check out that house. So we go on the path, but then we see that the land where the house used to be has been developed already. So basically there's this plastic beach there instead. and I feel bad because I dragged them out here for nothing, but they're like, don't worry, we still have a great view. and we did, it was really beautiful from up there

I dreamt that I was playing Minecraft with my younger brother and sister, but it was totally broken. I had a glitch where I could break any block but not interact with them otherwise. my collision was totally broken. my brother kept trying to build a silverfish farm, and the silverfish kept getting out, so that was pretty funny. I forget how the dream transitioned out of that but it did so moving on

I dreamt that a person who's the creator of one of my favorite pieces of media was a million times more problematic than I already thought they were in some vague way i couldn't determine. I found a post on 4chan where they talked about their masturbation problem and how they never left their home, and stuff started to make more sense. i remember sympathizing with the state they were in, which was probably caused by social isolation, and exposure to only really shitty anime.

then I was in my house drawing. my dad came up to me and asked me for my socials so he could see what id drawn, but I didn't want to because I'd been trying to draw platonic ship art of various Homestuck characters, but the diamonds kept turning into hearts, and it was embarrassing and I didn't want him to know I was doing that kind of thing. but by the way he asked, I think he already knew :(

then I was in the exact same place and my dad was gone. there was this pumpkin that I destroyed, and then a woman came to exist before me. she confessed her love to me and acted like her intentions were pure and true, but I knew she was deceiving me. and when I said no I knew I was right. she was like some kind of basilisk and she descended upon me and started hurting me, and then she got off and tried to get me into her car. and when I said no, she took out this little container of CBD oil and threw some on my face, and where the oil touched, my eye and some of my nose just smoothed over. and I was a little horrified and she kept begging me to come and be with her, and again I said no, and she threw more oil and I lost more of my face, and then she threw me out of the car. then suddenly I guess I got desperate, and I was begging for her to let me back in. I promised all kinds of crazy things, I think I actually said that I would love her, even though that's totally unrealistic, but she was bitter and said no, and then i woke up

in the dream you could have a scoring for how good or bad you were, and it was measured based on the bad and good stuff you'd done. so some of the kids I knew started to intentionally do bad stuff, just to have more impressive scores.

I went to a party at another school. I guess I wasn't meant to be there, but their campus staff was so lazy that I snuck in with no problems. there was food, I guess, but it kind of sucked. I met up with this girl I know. (we actually met last year, in chem, and she's really cool, into like scenecore music and she dresses way better than me, but her primary language is Spanish, and my written Spanish is fine but I'm terrible at speaking it, and i felt so embarrassed trying to speak Spanish and failing that i ended up never really talking to her all that much.)

we leave the party and go down the road to this real greasy restaurant, and she meets some friends, and she's talking to them in Spanish and I am trying to understand what she's saying, because i recognize the words, but i can't remember my conjugation. and then she says to me that we're not going to the restaurant after all, and it's because of the burger, and i look inside the restaurant and there's someone eating this massive chicken burger in like a really sloppy way. then she tells me about these dudes who have been getting into gang violence lately, because of the scoring system, and I'm not shocked at all by the names she lists. one guy has a score of 88, which is really high, and I can't help but wonder what kinds of things he had to do to get it.

I was trying to figure out how malloc works using C, which I'm hoping to learn instead of C++ because it can be used for a lot more low-level programming. @there was me and this other guy. one of us had a dad, I think it was him, so we must have been in the dad's house from time to time. we were involved in this "game" with no winners, only losers. at first it was kind of like the unpopular Roblox game Dungeon Quest. he mostly had ice powers and was blond, and I had default dungeon quest attacks and looked like myself. which, by the way, is about to change because I'm getting a haircut today :-). but anyway so I'm using my cheap perimeter attacks, and getting totally clowned on.

we're in this arena and I'm sitting with my back pressed up against a wall as he's shooting at it. there's not really a way to dodge so I just tank it for a while, and then eventually I get an opportunity and i duck out and into another room, and he follows. @

immediately we stop being enemies. we're in a line with a bunch of other people on a pillar above a ball pit. on the other side is another pillar, and a door. there are people in the ball pit. they look normal, but they're not. we're meant to cross, get to the other side, and stand up in order to survive.

one girl jumps in and goes straight to the corner. the people in the pit follow her. she sinks. I get the impression that's what she intended. eventually someone actually tries crossing for real. he fails and dies, and this goes on until someone runs to the corner, and then while the people are swarming, someone else runs across and gets to the other side, and then we all start doing that. he does it too. he's relevant to the dream because we're a matching set in some way or another.

so I'm running through the pit, and i kind of slip into this state of unawareness. I am thinking and not knowing, and everything is peaceful and I feel safe. but everything feels fine and like it's alright. and from outside of myself I can see that this is not true. I am lying in the pit, completely catatonic. one of the creatures is braiding my hair, and I'm sinking, and soon i will be gone. but I cannot move to save myself or find any desire to do so, so instead i just slip away. and as I do so, I can see that he has reached the end, and for some reason i can suddenly speak and i call out and say , "I'll see you!" and he looks shocked, and then i guess i black out.

while im out there's an evil woman who speaks to me, and flashes of blue. she tells me that I've been cursed, and I'm going to have to do some things in order to lift the curse. once I earn a certain number of points I'll be allowed to rejoin the main game, which is no doubt continuing without me.

I'm at a table. there are only five of us there, all dressed in regal attire. across from me a girl slams down her fist and says something angry. but I get the distinct sense that she is pretending. we are all pretending, and I too must pretend. we act it out. we are world leaders arguing a land dispute, but everything is coming out wrong . suddenly from a curtain at the back wall a voice cries out, "Cut! That was all wrong," and the girl looks scared, and I know what's happening. we are meant to be acting.

back at what has become our sleeping quarters, and also a constant stage, it is explained that all of us must come up with impromptu scenes on our own, and will be awarded points for good scenes. I must succeed if I want to rejoin the main game. unfortunately, my skills are subpar, especially when it comes to impromptu. everything we do is "broadcast" all the time, but I know that the viewers aren't real people, because they sit in a stadium that surrounds us constantly, and don't ever move or leave.

there are other people with me.. at some point they get color coded, making stuff easier. one night I am sleeping, and in my sleep I imagine that I am talking to my father. in the dream I am upset at him and have some kind of qualm with how he raised me. (not real, i love my dad he's great). and I'm yelling and screaming at him, and then I'm awake and standing outside my room, and she says to me, "That was great! Use that!". I'm a little annoyed that she looked at what was going on inside my head, but oh well, too bad, I need to act now. I run to the end of the hall and the orange one is there . I begin pretending that they're my dad and I hate them, and they catch on immediately, and we act, and for a bit it's good, but then I lose steam and can't think of anything to say.

people from the "audience"(which is still not real, by the way) start shipping us, because out program is " so popular ". I'm a bit surprised that I'm involved in any ships, but I guess I am. they totally mischaracterize my place in each of them. they draw a completely romanticized image of me for each of them, and at times seen to completely forget what I look like, and that I'm not really a girl-type person. (there's one drawing where I'm raising someone's kid, and it's implied that I'm the mother, which is gross). but otherwise I don't really care.

I keep doing acting. it kind of sucks, and I worry that I'll never make it to the main game. I keep using information from a scene I did and memorized, and so all the time I'm talking about 1948 philcos. at some point I'm asleep, and it is revealed to me that this whole area is a trick. "she" keeps raising the number of points we need to leave, so that that can never happen. I am distressed and ashamed. at times I am able to sneak away. the place I can go to is his old house. his father used to live here, but not anymore. he had a patio surrounded by a screen, and in it he had a garden. it was beautiful. he left a lot of stuff behind before he got taken, and I'm keeping it hidden from her. she'd do anything to get her hands on this stuff.

in the front yard is a cage with little birds living in it. I go out one day and see that they're being stalked by this larger bird, so I go to shoo it away, so they can be safe, but as i approach it, it doesn't move away, and I actually am able to pick it up and put it back down. this is immediately concerning and I inspect it to see what's wrong with it, and to my horror there are maggots eating it, even though it is still alive. I see that the flies it has attracted are getting to the little birds too, and i am shocked and horrified and run into the house.

the flies are getting in through a hold in the screen of the back porch, too. i look at a trash can and remember a lie, a blatant lie that 'he' told to 'her', one that surely she detected.

at some point I'm back in the main game in one way or another, I think. it all gets a bit blurry here.

the dad is hiding information. I need to keep it safe. at one point a clone of his comes pretending to be the real thing, but I don't buy it, and I turn out to be correct. I hide the father's things in the oatmeal, because if you ransacked the place, how could you think to look in the oatmeal?

there's a lot I don't remember about this dream, which is sad because I really thought it was interesting. this is where it kind of peters off, though.

i was at a university, or some kind of place. the dream kind of shifted between two different scenarios.

at first I was acting in a play, but I'd never been to a rehearsal or even invited to one. the director got mad at me, but i snapped back and told her it wasn't my fault I never received any information.

i was a certain type of creature that shifted based on the scenario. i was in a strange, strange place. it was a massive landscape high in the clouds. there were castles in the clouds, there were bright neon flowers, and there was no ground. i was a pumpkin at first, and I was rolling across the ground. i was told that i would be fine until I got to the nests of the creatures. i rolled into the nest and turned into an ice pumpkin, and was followed. i had to get them at an angle to kill them, and when I did kill them I had to destroy every part of them or they'd come back. this is where the dream shifted and suddenly I was a person again, in a classroom, but the creatures were still there and I was still killing them. i did so and slashed the pieces so they couldn't regen

there was some guy there. he might have been a fairy because a lot of the time he was really small. he was very meek and scared of the creatures but that was fine because they were already dead anyway.

there was a girl in our class. or, I guess, in our group, because the scenario was shifting. I lied to the guy and pretended to uber-eats request popsicles, while in reality I had already cleverly removed them from the box to eat later. i sequestered myself in the garage, but then the girl found me and she was suspicious and dangerous

then I was at the university. she said she knew me and the fairy, she'd talked to us in the other world. i knew what she was talking about. the clouds, and the castles.

very abstract, all of it. nice dream altogether, though.

last night I dreamt that my family and I were staying at a motel
I kept trying to sneak out, to put some milk I'd taken to my room away, and my mom thought it was a burglar.
eventually we all went to sleep and then in the morning we learned that there had been a fight on the driveway leading up to the motel
a guy who used to hike on one of the same trails as my dad, brad philpot, had fought a trucker on that lonely road. the trucker was gone now, and brad philpot was dead. i thought about his wife. we walked on the trail that brad philpot used to hike. there were clovers, and they all had serrated leaves like mint. i cried for the death of brad philpot.

i was in a bunch of different places at different times. however, i don't know what order it was, so i guess I'll just start wherever
i was in class. a friend of mine was there,and we were doing math(or some kind if computation) but instead of a classroom we were at the foot of a mountain.i was scared. we were doing math, but i couldn't even wrap my head around what kind of math it was. there were symbols and concepts i didn't recognize. my friend tried explaining it to me, but i just didn't get it.
i was in a sports car with my father. he'd rented it out. we were driving away, escaping from something. that mountain was still there. we drove through a checkpoint.it was a wire fence, and the hole we drove through was so low i was afraid the serrated metal edges were going to cut my face. i got the feeling that no matter how far we fled, we still wouldn't escape.
there was something between a pumpkin carving contest and a race on the mountain. there were bales of hay. i found a way to cheat, or someone else did. there was a series of puzzles and confrontations. i hate to bring my interests up, but if you've played kime ga shine, it was kind of like the rhythm of that game, except without any substance to it. I was afraid of dying. someone else was afraid of dying.
i communicated over a message board. i recieved a death threat, but contacted someone else on the board via friend request because i knew they were enemies with the person who was threatening me too. their response; "what, you think we're just gonna be secret friends and solve this together? get lost, don't contact me again", or something like that

at first i was in an elevator. i was a spy, and me and my partner were performing covert operations. We got into the elevator and saw this robot, and it had a gun, and i relized that neither of us had guns. i put my hands up and we waited for a while. eventually it malfunctioned and didn't work. i took the gun from the robot.
we waited for a while. by the way, the elevator was a large room, it had glass windows on the sides. we were in a high rise and could see down into the city. eventually i realized that it wasn't going up. i opened the door and checked the elevator shaft and realized we weren't moving. that's when i got scared. i looked out the window and didn't see any people. a truck drove by and there was no driver, and that's when i got really scared.
i opened a window and then people did come through. and one of them whispered something to me and i forget what it was but it was really scary.
there was a hairdresser woman. we stopped being in an elevator and then we were just in a fake city. we were both like welded to the floor. she spent a lot of time taunting us. also, there was another guy there. she suddenly started screaming "he's escaping! no don't let him escape!" (regarding me). I wasn't escaping but her screaming incentivized me to melt through the weld and fly away with one of the guys. unfortunately i left my partner behind.
we flew over the fake city and hit the max render distance. we went to a bunch of fake houses. "i think we could have a life here," one of us said. "i mean, it's not so bad."
at some point we ended up at a pool house with a bunch of people. i went into the water but then i realized i had my headphones on, so i got back out.
eventually i went back, and found my old partner. we hugged because we'd missed each other. for some reason i was like his boss now and he was like "man i missed you boss" and i was like " yeah sorry". and all three of us went off to live a life together. this dream was kind of scary at times but overall pretty nice, i don't think i've really captured it here

I was going to school. I was a particularly academically inclined boy, and my name was Ranma(my brain pulled this from a song i found a couple days ago that referenced the show, which I did not know about previously and do not really have an interest in). A lot of people found me insufferable. I was in a particular teacher's classroom during a free study period, but I somehow managed to skip(no fault of my own, I just accidentally wandered off and got caught up talking to a teacher from one of the other classes). I hypothesized that perhaps our school had a course on magic, since the particular class I was skipping was something like it, but I felt embarrassed at the very notion, because I was afraid I would be called an idiot for thinking that such a thing was real.
I had this round, smooth stone ball. it was about the size of a tennis ball, big enough to fit in the hand. These were "maps". they contained points, inflicted on the map, which had saved by the map's creator. My map contained a couple points leading from mid-North America to the bottom of South America. I didn't think it was anything special. Yet as I walked I pondered. I was considering the possibility of transmogrification. Could I perform that kind of magic?
I approached a booth selling maps. It was run by a teacher, for a fundraiser or something like. there was a long line. I got in line and talked to a girl.
her name escapes me. she was either tan with long, vibrant red hair in a ponytail, or pale with short choppy blond pigtails. it shifted a lot throughout the dream, but only between those two, and her appearance was very clear all the time. she and I were suddenly allies, for some reason. finally I got to the end of the line and spoke to the teacher. the details of our conversation get a little fuzzy. as I was speaking, I began to notice something odd about their behavior.
they demonstrated how you could look at a map. you could expand it and see all its points. so I took the mail I had and expanded it, and then I noticed that the points went far past the earth. there were locations saved in foreign galaxies. I knew in an instant that I had something very special.
the teacher asked to see the map. I pulled my hand back. in about an instant, I thought, I can make this map move with my mind, I can do it, and so I moved the map upwards and around, around the booth and back to myself. something was wrong with the teacher. I ran, and the girl came with me.
I said to her as we were running that something was definitely wrong with the school. with the people there and with everything. we passed a man as we ran out the back gate, and I wondered if he was even real.
we walked out onto the street. the sidewalk curved around this particular undeveloped plot(as is very normal, idk how to describe this specific type of land) and there was dust and rocks all over the plot. I thought to myself, "now anything's possible, see what I can do," so I lifted all of the dust and rocks with my mind and watched go up at least fifty feet. i had become rather an expert at this. the girl(who was sometimes me, also, I switched perspectives between ranma and her) saw it all hit the ground very loudly. we kept walking.
I took the map out of my pocket and created a clone of it. this, ranma handed to the girl. she put it in her own pocket.
i decided that it was very pressing that we investigate the spots on this map. if we did, we could reveal the truth that the map was trying to lead us to. what was there in space?
as we moved we ended up walking through a mall. I was mostly the girl here, so I'll talk from her perspective. I was walking, but he was walking a lot faster. we were being faced by some invisible pressure. we came to a balcony, and there were people below that goaded me to jump. I walked up to the edge, and I was prepared to, but then I realized I was the girl and couldn't levitate.
we went to one of the locations in South America. I don't really know where, it was probably somewhere in a forest in Brazil based on the map, but either way the land had been developed previously. it was an abandoned sort of Parking garage looking thing, except on some of the floors it had real rooms. we went up to the top floor, because it was safe there, and then suddenly I completely blacked out.
when i was aware again, the situation had developed seriously, and not in a very good way. of course I had been acting while unconscious, as if I were still awake, but really I wasn't there. the girl was nowhere to be found. there were dolls everywhere, and I was hounded by a persistent air of doom. I walked into a room. there was a particularly large doll there, who I guessed was probably one of the ogres before she became a doll.
immediately she began screaming and demanded I turn her back. she had a computer on her lap, and a small hacker friend on it. she threatened to mess with my neocities page (wow, this is so meta!) but I said that I wouldn't do anything until I knew where the girl was. I ran to the back of the room and looked in the closet, but none of the dolls there looked like her. meanwhile the ogre was about to delete my page. I freaked out and was like "fine I'll do it!!" and turned her back.
somehow or another I ended up finding the girl. she had been transformed, but the moment I picked the doll up, the malignant force began to attack me. somehow or another I got safe, and we barricaded ourselves in a room and I turned her back.
when I finally opened the door, things had worsened. my mother was there, and also like three different naked guys who were still putting on clothes. my mother insisted I leave the door open, but I was so uncomfortable so I said to her that that was weird, and closed the door.
it quickly became apparent that my mother and "family" had seized control of things. we got in the car and went to a second location from the map. as I left, I somehow accidentally brought a pillow. when i decided to just put it back using the telekinesis, it didn't work. I dropped the pillow on the floor and nothing happened.
at that point, somehow or another, I became awake. it was unfortunate because that was a really cool dream. oh well....

I took an internship on a barge in the middle of the sea. it was suspicious from the start. the barge was a sort of oil rig, and owned by these guys at an auto repair shop. I was going to go, but something in my gut told me the whole operation was shady, and then I got scared, and at last I got cold feet about the whole thing.
they gave me back my stuff. a bag of crud and a mummy. the girl who'd done the job previously, Dorothy. I asked them about her. they wouldn't give a straight answer. she was dead, I knew. what did they do with the body? was it in the mummy? but no, it wasn't, it could be at the bottom of the sea for all I knew. I'd never prove she was dead.
I was walking up a road. a girl came up to me and asked, and I asked her if she knew Dorothy . she said no . "she's dead," I said. "she died in the middle of the sea and nobody will believe it"

i was going through rooms, in pursuit of an Italian duo. there was olive oil. we had the ability to create temporary replicates of ourselves. i saw a photo of myself and i was very, very thin and noticed that the skin around my eyes pulled strangely tight when i opened them. in each roon people would sit in lines dressed as characters. there was a rabbit ina blue sweatshirt, grey beanie, over shirt,... strange
i remember thinking it looked like i was wearing the skin, a little, although it was clear that it was attached to me in some places

I was in a swimming-pool shower. it was filthy. dirt in the grout and stuff, and the lights were dim and yellow. there was another guy there too. we were showering, i guess. i think maybe i was hiding. he was so shockingly thin and his skin was shriveled like a raisin. i was horrified by his appearance and wanted to leave. he tried to talk to me. a terrible, pathetic, disgusting person, i thought. he was greedy and selfish. nonetheless, i felt a sense of familiarity.

i was on a boat. it was for Taylor Swift. a crowd of Taylor Swift fans surrounded the ship. I sat down on an innocuous staircase to eat my sandwich and people screamed at me to get out of her way. Taylor Swift was standing behind me . "girl sorry" I said and climbed down quickly. i was lambasted by the crowd and went home.
I walked home from the boat with three people. there was this girl, who I really wanted to like me, and this other person, who was also a girl but older than me and a different person. we were walking by this marsh and the older girl and I did parkour through the trees. the trees were like, really huge, marsh trees(I live right by a marsh, idk how to describe... just marsh trees) with big, smooth tree limbs. we ran for a while, hopping across the branches, but eventually came to a place we both decided was too dangerous and went back.
the other girl was still waiting by the sidewalk. i jumped down from the tree and hugged her. then we both became some kind of burrowing creature. the end
[2/7/24 ??]

i walked out into my front yard. my little brother had found some ducklings there. i was scared at first, because of the way the air was, but it was fine. there were also mice. they were cute mice. they hugged each other because of friendship. the world should have been beautiful, and really it was, but i was still scared. typical