++go home++
Comics are released in the form of 'major issues' and 'minor problems'. All of them should be read in order, but 'minor problems' are typically shorter and/or of slightly lower quality.

Minor Problem #1
- 11/20/24
(it's only a 'minor' problem because it is a smaller comic, only ~6 pages)

Major Issue #1
- 11/25/24
(In our first major issue Jerry and Caspian are visited by a special guest.)

Major Issue #2
- 11/30/24
(In our second major issue, more things happen. reader discretion is advised; slightly more gore than previous issues)
nyen goes shopping (ranfren)
obrinston... from 1984.....
sketch thumbnailing for a bit i'm thinking of including in mjrisu 3 or 4. might not use it but i think it's pretty funny. low-quality art that i typically draw out before lineart, just to get a feel for composition. peek behind the curtain at the process, i guess.