~Author's Notes~

i wrote and released this one only three days after the previous issue. that's an average of ~4 pages a day, which would be pretty good if that's how i worked, but actually the process is a bit different, so really i'm actually about twice that efficient. maybe i'll go over it sometime.
i was a little embarassed to write and release this. i don't know, it's a little bit more weird than some of the other issues, but mostly it's one of those things that i feel might be too revealing about myself. generally i like people and i'm not upset easily, but there was one single day out of my life when i had someone i really intensely wanted dead. it was a unique feeling, and one that i can find interesting looking back, but obviously it's bad to be the kind of person that hates like that(even if my reasons were understandable, they weren't justifiable).
i feel a lot of the time like this "story"(if you can call it that) is pretty thrown-together, and often doesn't have a concrete plot. i think that might be okay, but i still want to have grounded concepts to explore. it's fun for characters to behave in unique ways, but if there's no purpose or reason, things get inane really quickly. so with this i hope to shed some light on how some of the characters think(because thinking is different for different people) and percieve others, and how they make choices.

<~~go back now. its done.